Shimla Indian Kilkenny

  • Delivery time 50 min

Menu Shimla Indian Kilkenny

The takeaway menu of Shimla Indian Kilkenny, an Indian takeaway restaurant in Kilkenny, offers wide variety of Indian delicacies with lots of Indian flavours and spices. Whether you are a vegetarian or like to eat non-vegetarian foods, our menu offers lots of things to eat for everyone. Some of the dishes offered at our takeaway are briefly described here under to help you in planning your online takeaway order. Out menu starts with 20 varieties of Indian and European starters including tandoori mixed kebab, stuffed peppers and soup of the day with naan etc.Though all of our preparations are best in their class still there are some signature dishes of this takeaway restaurant like: Jumbo Prawn Handi, In this dish chicken is cooked in a handi, a dish with lid, at low temperature to marinate it and to give the food a medium aromatic flavour. Lamb Narwal, The recipe of this very mild dish is our own. We cook it with our own Shimla Spices. Thus the information provided in this write-up will help you to plan your online takeaway order very soon.

About Shimla Indian Kilkenny

Shimla Indian Kilkenny is an Indian takeaway restaurant in Kilkenny. Since the inauguration of our takeaway outlet we have worked hard to earn the name and fame we are enjoying today. In order to win the heart of people living in and around this city we used our experience and knowledge to select the best and safest ingredients for our dishes. Along with the quality of ingredients we also focused on the authentic processes of preparing our dishes so that you can get the same taste and flavour every time your visit us. In order to save your time we have launched our apps to allow you to place your order even on the go by using you android or iOS devices. You can download our app from Google store or Apple Store before placing your takeaway order.

Restaurant location Shimla Indian Kilkenny

The location of Shimla Indian Kilkenny, an Indian takeaway restaurant, at 6 Dean Street, Kilkenny makes it easy for everyone to find us. Moreover, the popularity of our takeaway can also help you to find us as anyone can guide you to reach us. You can also use online maps to reach us, if you are new in this city.

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